Apparently someone of a traditionalist bent has been circulating a petition on the internet to make Donald Trump King of America. At the time of writing, the petition appears to have been deleted, and maybe it was intended as a joke to “pwn the libs!!!” or some such nonsense. Still, in this age of madness, I cannot shake the notion that some of those who signed it were dead serious.
So, as a Catholic Monarchist, here is my take on the idea of Donald Trump as King:
No. Hell no. Are you out of your blessed mind?
First off, it would fail. No contest. The moment Trump declared himself King, the nearest secret service agent would shoot him. Failing that, the military would arrest him. Failing that, Congress would impeach him. Failing that, citizens of every political affiliation would march on the White House and toss him into the Potomac. The fact of the matter is that America is, at present, republican to the core, and even a President with a 99% approval rating would find himself demonized in a heartbeat if he tried to change that. If such a change ever occurs, it would take generations of gradually changing attitudes, or a crisis severe enough to leave all our governing institutions in ruins.
Second, assuming we could craft the American Throne as a political reality, Trump has no claim. At all. As we are a former British Colony, the House of Windsor (or, better yet, the House of Stuart) has the best claim to rule. Failing that, a royal from Spain, France, or even the Netherlands (nations that have colonized parts of present-day America in the past) would be next in line. Heck, even a descendant from the Lakota, Iroquois, or Sioux tribes would have a better claim Donald Trump.
Third, and finally, Trump is utterly base, and I am not referring to his lineage. This is the man who bragged about the size of his penis on national television. This is the man who was banging a porn star while his third wife was giving birth to his son. This man has stated that he has nothing to ask forgiveness for, and that he could shoot someone on the street and people would still vote for him. This is to say nothing of his administrations human rights abuses at the southern border.
He is, in short, an arrogant, blasphemous lout, base in lineage and morals. And this man, this man who represents the very worst that republicanism has to offer. And anyone who thinks that this man is the person to bring Christian Monarchy to these United States, I can only say that you understand neither Monarchy nor Christianity.
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