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Sword in The Skull

The Works of Bradley Poole

Home: Welcome

A Life Update and an Apology

Easter is upon us at last. And I can think of no better time to come back from the dead.

I Live!

Due to events beyond my control, this blog has been neglected for the last two months. That ends today! Explanation: My last post in this...

The Feast of St. Henry, Emperor and Confessor

Today in the Traditional Calendar is the Feast of St. Henry, Duke of Bavaria, King of Germany, and Emperor of the Romans. For many years,...

An Anime Lent

Part 1: Watamote, Scapegoating, and the Temptation of Christ

Why Anime?

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Weeb

Our House is Blessed for Epiphany

“O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need charity and companionship, narrow enough to shut out all envy,...

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