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Writer's pictureBradley Poole

The Importance of the Mass, in 2020 and Beyond

Regina Lux, the Glam Goth Queen of Catholicism and owner of the YouTube channel Veritas on the Rocks, has a new online show with Faith and Reason Studios. The first episode, on the importance of Holy Mass, is below:

I disagree with nothing Regina says. I do, however, think that there is another, possibly brighter, side to this whole affair.

While it is distressing to think of the number of Catholics deprived of the Blessed Sacrament this past year, it may also be a relieve to realize that the number of sacrilegious communions (in which Our Lord is received into a soul in a state of mortal sin) are way down as a result. This surely also has an effect on our society and the cosmos.

Often in both Scripture and history, Our Lord has responded to His people’s ingratitude by taking away His gifts, sometimes violently. The pre-exile Israelites dived headlong into idolatry, child sacrifice, and oppression of the poor, seeing the sacrifices and ceremonies of the Law not as a means to draw closer to God, but as a kind of fire insurance, a cosmic bribe so that they could continue to live as they wished. How many Catholics (those who still attended Mass) treated Mass the same way prior to the pandemic? (A poll taken last year even found that 70% of American Catholics do not even believe in the Real Presence!)

Because of the infidelity of the Israelites, God saw fit to deprive them of both land and Temple. So too, we who have taken Holy Mass and the Divine Faith for granted, or treated its teachings with contempt, or used it as battering ram to attack our neighbors, have been forced into a kind of mini exile. Shaken from the force of our normal habits, many who were wavering will fall away. But others will have used the time to reexamine their lives, to realize how precious a treasure is the Holy Mass and receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The recent attacks on our statues and churches may even ultimately snap lax Catholics out of their spiritual stupor.

In every age, God has raised up champions to defend the Faith and renew the Church. Consider the Church Fathers, before and after the Council of Nicaea. Consider St. Benedict and the Irish Monastics. Consider the Dominicans and the Franciscans, the Jesuits and the Saints of the Counter-Reformation. Consider, in our own day, the Anglican Ordinariate, the Traditional Orders of Priests, and the many religious orders discarding modern fads and embracing their spiritual heritage.

Our Lord will never lack champions on this earth. Our most important task is to be among them.

Pray. Go to Confession. Go to Mass. Grow in humility and knowledge of your Faith.

And go forth and slay, Catholic Kings and Queens!


A Special Announcement!

From Today (August 25th) through Saturday (August 29th) my novel Cain: Son of Adam is available for FREE (yes, FREE) from Get it while you can, and enjoy a thrilling mythological tale staring the world’s most notorious murderer!

Stay Blessed!

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