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Sample Chapters: Beth (Part 1)

Writer: Bradley PooleBradley Poole

4 days until Launch!!!


The light of a bright spring morning shimmered on the wisps of mists that blanketed the great garden.

And what a garden it was!

There was nothing but green as far as the eye could see, every acre brimming with blooming flowers and ripe fruit trees.

And in the center of the garden, two great trees, taller and more majestic than all the rest.

It was as though the entire wood were singing.

Until, suddenly, the song stopped.

There was a great crashing sound, as all the world seemed to crack and shatter like thin ice on a lake. When the shards had dissolved, the brightness was also gone. From the smallest blade of grass to the greatest cloud in the sky, everything seemed to be drained of color, of vigor.

Of life itself.

And in the center of the garden, between the two great trees, was a giant black storm cloud, brimming with fire and lightning.

Thunder rolled across the sky as a great light flashed out from the cloud.

When the light cleared, three figures emerged from the edge of the garden.

The first were a man and a woman, both limping from weariness and sorrow.

Behind them came a shining figure in the shape of a man wearing a long black robe. A great mane of red hair adorned his head, and large wings of red flame spread out from his back. Emerald eyes were fixed with severity on the human couple, and his great hand pointed out into the sandy wastes beyond the garden.

Slowly, the man and the woman stumbled out of the garden, leaning on each other for support. They hadn't gone far when they heard a great rumbling behind them. They turned around to see that the giant cloud had moved over to the edge of the garden.

Suddenly, a massive blade of flame shot down from the cloud, stabbing the ground right behind the red-haired sentinel. The flames from the blade spread outwards around the border of the garden, until the entire sanctuary was surrounded by a massive wall of fire.

The man and the woman stared in awe and dismay. Then, their faces long with despair, they turned and limped out into the wilderness.

Neither of them noticed the black coil emerging from between the two great trees, swimming up through the sky like a great sea serpent, before diving back down, speeding towards them.

As it closed the distance, it became clear that the flying serpent was not one beast, but many: a hoard of shadows descending on the defenseless exiles, and at their head, the green-eyed Nemesis, his black blade drawn for slaughter and his dripping fangs hungry for blood.

Just as the shadows were about to overcome their prey, the golden-fleeced Warrior appeared in their path, his eyes stern; his blade raised in challenge. The shadows screeched to a halt as more lights appeared behind the Warrior, each wielding a long spear, each crouched down, each ready to pounce.

The Nemesis snarled and shrieked, a vengeful glare in his eye as he watched his prey slip away…

* * *

Cain sat up, his dream interrupted by the morning song of the birds. Rubbing his eyes, he took in his surroundings as the visions passed away from his mind. It was just after sunrise, and the morning light was creeping through the trees, with a cool autumn breeze whispering. Beside him, Abel and Naomi were still fast asleep. Colored leaves glided on the wind past their faces, yet neither stirred.

Cain sighed and smiled as he gazed upon his companions.

Looking up to the brightening sky, he turned back to the vision he had seen.

Another one, he thought.

It had started when he was younger, and had happened many times since. Each time he had seen strange things in his sleep he could not explain, each more perplexing than the last. They weren’t like normal dreams: the kind that made no sense and didn't have to make sense. No, these dreams mattered. Or at least Cain felt they did. Why else were they so sharp when other dreams so blurry, so clear when others were so vague? And why else did they stick in his memory when other dreams faded away?

The sound of footsteps in the garden roused Cain from his thoughts. He looked up and saw his mother, smiling and glowing like the dawn.

"Good morning, Cain."

"Good morning, Mother," said Cain.

Mother's in a good mood this morning. I wonder why.

"Let's wake your brother and sister," said Eve. "Your Father's at the Song Hill already."

Oh right, thought Cain. It's Sabbath.

Cain nodded and moved to rouse Naomi. Eve moved toward Abel.

"Wake up, sleepy," said Cain as he gently pushed Naomi. Naomi's eyes opened, gazing on her brother's face.

"Don't worry," said Cain. "There's no spider this time."

"Oh," said Naomi with a yawn. "So you do remember how to be nice."

"Hey!" said Cain, though the smile never left his face.

Eve, meanwhile, had woken Abel up.

Abel sat up and asked, "Did you miss us, Mother?"

Eve gave him a confused look, and then gave a little laugh.

"Of course we did, dear," she said, wrapping her arms around her younger son and kissing his forehead.

* * *

The Song Hill, as it was called, was a tall hill in the very center of Home. It was slightly higher than the hill in which their cave resided, but while the top of Cave Hill was lush and grassy, the top of Song Hill was bare, all its foliage plucked up. Its only adornment was a crown of smooth stones that encircled the hill top, set there by Adam to mark out the sacred space.

On the western side of the hill, there was a path, the sole means of reaching the stone circle without climbing. Eve and the children ascended this path, and found Adam sitting down within the circle, facing to the east. He turned his head and gave his family a nod in greeting. Then they took their places: Cain behind Adam on his left with Abel behind him, and Eve behind Adam on his right with Naomi behind her.

They sat in silence, facing the rising sun.

Adam stood and said, "Beloved, let us welcome the Sabbath day."

On cue, Naomi said, “What makes this day different from other days?"

Adam turned and faced his family, "Six days Elohim labored to make the world, and on the seventh he rested. So too do we labor for six days, and on the seventh we rest."

Eve and the children responded in unison, "Tell us, Father. Tell us how the world was made."

Adam turned back to the East and began to sing:

Deep Nothingness without a Name

Before the World's foundations laid.

In Darkness on the starry Throne

Was Elohim, and He alone.

His voice thundered though the Abyss

The Beast, the Nothing took to flight

When Elohim had spoke his word,

When Elohim spoke: "Let there be Light."

From within Him the Light came forth

Destroyed the Nothing with His power.

With Flaming Blade He clove apart

The Evening and the Morning Hours.

Nothing was slain, the Victory won

Elohim's creation was now begun.

Then Eve and the children sang:

Blessed be Elohim.

Builder of Light, Destroyer of Night.

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Adam said, "And Elohim saw that it was good," and sat down.

Eve stood up to sing:

Light shown on a World without form

Beneath the Waters, the Sea of foam

Wrapped around Earth like a cloak.

And Elohim, amidst the Waters, moved

And cut the mighty Sea in two

With a single skillful weaver's stroke.

A tent He made of watery cloth

To keep Upper Water held aloft

That Lower Water might not pass by.

A house for His creation made

Giver of shelter and of Rain,

The roof which Elohim has named, "The Sky."

Then Adam and the children sang:

Blessed be Elohim

Water Weaver, Tent Maker

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Eve sat down and Adam rose saying, "And Elohim saw that it was good.”

He sat down again.

Then Cain stood up and sang:

Mighty Elohim then spoke again.

Like thunder, His voice: "May it be."

When they heard, the Waters took to flight

Into the basin of the sea.

The Waters, fleeing, left in their wake,

The dusty Earth, rocky and dry

And unto this dead and barren land

Came Elohim, down from the Sky

His hand cleared the land of rock and stone,

Laid them down and piled them high,

Called from them Water to wet the Earth,

Streams of drink from the mountainside.

He planted seeds on the fertile ground,

In His footprints sprang up the grass.

At His word the mighty trees grew tall,

All the flowers bloomed as He passed.

The family sang together:

Blessed be Elohim

Mountain Builder, Garden Grower

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Cain sat down and Adam rose,

"And Elohim saw that it was good.”

Adam sat again as Abel stood to sing:

Then up to the clouds Elohim arose

To the top of the tent that He had made,

Walking on wings of wind that Eastward blows

To set for Light the times to glow and fade

And in the Sky, He made the two great lights

To mark the seasons, the days and the nights.

Flame from His blade He set in Morning Sky

A great fire in the High Sea of blue.

Father Sun marks out the days from on high,

The end of the old, the start of the new,

Galloping across the clouds like a horse,

Laughing and singing as he runs his course.

Soft light from His face He set for the Night

To shine through the darkness on rock and tree.

Mother Moon, singing for joy during her flight

As she sails across the blackened Sea.

To her children she sings a lullaby,

Her children, the Stars up in the Sky.

At the sight of Fair Moon, the Sun gives chase.

Forever and ever goes on their race.

The Stars, their children, laugh loud as they see

Their Father chase Mother across the Sea.

And Father Elohim laughs at their fun

Through the Nights and the Days with Moon and Sun.

Then the others sang:

Blessed be Elohim

Light Giver, Time Keeper

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Abel sat down and Adam, standing once more said, “And Elohim saw that it was good.”

Naomi stood up to sing as her father sat down:

Then Elohim came down from the clouds

And sat upon the shore of the Sea.

He saw wide expanse of Sky

And of the vast and empty Sea.

The sand and water He took and mixed.

The Potter fashioned the birds from clay

Into their bodies he breathed His Breath

And on gentle Breath they flew away.

He trod the forest paths to find them,

Found them in the trees, resting their wings.

Then Elohim sang the first bird song

Taught Music to every bird that sings.

To the Seashore Elohim returned,

The Potter returning to his clay.

He fashioned creatures for the water

And great sea monsters with which to play.

And He breathed His Breath into them all.

He released them all into the tide.

With all the fishes does He swim.

Upon the Whale's back He rides.

Then the others sang:

Blessed be Elohim

Bird Maker, Whale Rider

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Naomi sat down and Adam rose.

"And Elohim saw that it was good.”

Then he sang:

Upon the earth walked Elohim,

Saw all the land from West to East.

To His clay returned the Potter

To make and mold the legged beasts.

He made the things that creep below,

The grazing cow, the sheep that bleats,

The deer that runs through wooded fields,

The Lion whose tooth hungers meat.

Cattle and Creeper, Tame and Wild,

All Beasts of the Earth He did make.

And at the breathing of His Breath

All of His creatures did awake.

"Go forth," said He, "Go out and play,

Go forth to eat and leap and run!

Others like yourselves you shall make,

And fill the Land under the Sun."

His animals ran out in pairs,

Every chirp and roar, praise for Him.

Back to His clay the Maker went,

His greatest work soon to begin.

Out from dusty earth He made me,

Image of Elohim Most High.

Oh what wonder filled all my being

When I saw Him with my open eye!

You gave Us rule over the mountains,

Over the Land and over the Sea,

Over everything that lives and breathes.

Blessed forever may You be.

Then the others joined:

Blessed be Elohim.

Blessed be He who made us.

Blessed be Elohim forever.

Eve and the children stood up as Adam continued:

Alone I wandered all the Earth,

Seeking one to share my mirth.

Eve continued:

"Lonesome my son shall not be,"

Said Elohim, and so He

Brought the Man to Eden

So to make me.

Adam responded:

Fell I into slumber deep,

Lying with the things that creep

Father from Me making

My heart's longing.

Then Eve sang:

From His side did I spring,

Born before My Man's waking.

Then Adam sang:

What do I see when I arise?

The Evening Star shining before my eyes!

Eve returned:

In morning light I see,

The Man who was made for me.

Then Adam sang:

Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone!

Never more shall I wander alone!

And man and wife sang together:

One flesh forever shall we be,

One flesh for eternity.

To Elohim Most High

All glory be.

Once more the children sang:

And Elohim saw that it was very good.

Blessed be Elohim forever!

Together the family sang:

May it be!

All but Adam sat once again as he sang:

Six days and all the world was made

And so the Seventh day He blessed.

Six days we work with Elohim

And with Him on Sabbath, we rest.

And, raising his hands towards the sky continued:

Father Elohim, bless our rest,

Watch over us as we play

So that our joy at that first Sabbath

May be ours this Sabbath day.

Eve and the children joined singing:

May it be.

“Let us go in peace,” said Adam, turning around.

“Thanks be to Elohim,” responded Eve and the Children.

Part 2 will be posted on Monday. Blessed Sabbath.


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